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What actuation can be caused by either a liquid or a gaseous process radiation monitor?
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The plant is at 100% power while performing STS KJ-005A, A DG SURVEILLANCE. The DG achieved 59.7 Hz and 3.6kV in 10.2 seconds.What is the status of the A Diesel Generator?
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An NE01 trouble alarm is received in the Control Room. The Turbine Building operator reports JACKET WATER LOW TEMPERATURE is causing the alarm. The Jacket Water Heater breaker is tripped and all attempts to close the breaker fail.Does the failure impact EDG operability?
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Which one of the following initially supplies the diesel driven generator during startup of DG NE01?
The unit is in Mode 1 at 100% RTP. Two required Loss of Power (LOP) Diesel Generators (DG) Start Instrumentation loss of voltage channels on one 4Kv NB bus are declared inoperable at 0400 on 7/1. - At 0800, one channel was placed in trip. - At 1600, both channels remain inoperable.What are the Required TS Actions?
A Gas Decay Tank is being operated in the release mode. When must the release be immediately terminated? .
What Area Radiation Monitoring System component sends a signal to the electronics circuit where it is processed?
Which of the following statements is correct, regarding the cooling water supply to the Instrument/Service Air Compressors?
Preparations are being made to establish charging flow in EMG ES-03, SI TERMINATION, when offsite power is lost. The Emergency Diesel Generators start and power both safety buses. Fifteen seconds later the SS/STA observes SI Pumps are NOT running. SI Pumps were running before loss of offsite power.Should SI Pumps restart automatically by this point in time?
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The RM-80 associated with the Process and Effluent Radiation System:
The unit is being shutdown for a refueling outage and is at 45% RTP.The fuel oil storage tank for DG "A" is scheduled to be removed from service and drained when reactor power is below 40% RTP for cleaning during the outage.Can the fuel oil storage tank be drained while the unit shutdown is in progress and why?
Annunciator 062B, "AREA RAD HI" goes into alarm.Which of the following should an operator do in order to determine which monitor is in alarm?
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An Emergency Diesel Generator is operating in parallel with the normal supply for its safeguard's bus when a safety injection signal occurs.Which of the following will NOT occur for this condition?
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The plant is in Mode 5. The Shift chemist comes to the Control Room with CTMT purge release paperwork.Which three monitors MUST be in service in order to perform the CTMT purge without remedial action?
Which of the following describes the power set up of the Process and Effluent Radiation Monitors ?
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The plant is at 100% power when GE RE-92, Main Condenser Vacuum Pump Vent Radiation Monitor, indicates increased activity.Chemistry is notified and the leak has been quantified at 100 gpd and steady for 2 hours.What actions must be taken in accordance with OFN BB-07A, STEAM GENERATOR TUBE LEAKAGE?